Monday, March 13, 2017

The Church of the Highlands - Slave Graveyard

I spoke with Pastor Doug today about the slave grave yard. He was expecting my call. He was told that when the church was being built the site was moved because of a slave graveyard. He believes the graves were near where  they have a prayer garden. He suggested we my contact the construction company for more info. I will stop by the church after spring break. There is apparently nothing to see above ground.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Slave Graveyard

I recently received information from Dr. McGinnis about a slave graveyard near Tougaloo. Dr. Louise Jones is a member of the Christ of the Highlands Church in Madison who told Dr. McGinnis at it. I'll be following up on this info and hope to visit and document the find. I suspect that there maybe a connection to the Boddie plantation because of its close proximity to the campus.